html coding by Hugh Sutherland

Coding is a language but not like French or English, it is a coding language so you can't learn it from Duolingo.

It is a language that computers speak. For example we have Spanish, Greek and mandarin, they have C++, JavaScript and Lua etc. In short, coding is how you communicate or tell computers what to do.

You might think you have never heard of these languages but you use these almost every day! Minecraft uses JavaScript, Fortnite uses C++ and Roblox has its own special coding language called Lua.

And all of us use websites (Mrs McCormack on Amazon Prime...) These use html..

That is what this presentation is about, coding in html - so let's get started.

html stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is how you make a website or a web page, like Wikipedia! I used html to make this page too!

Almost everything you see on the internet has been made by using html.

Have you have all heard of Tim Berners Lee?

Did you know he invented the internet and html!

His company's name was called CERN, European Council for Nuclear Research.

It was first written 30 years ago and hasn't changed much since. It is still used all over the world, every day. You would expect him to be a multi-billionaire but he is worth around $10 million, which isn't mega rich compared to Mark Zuckerburg. This is because he gave the internet away to the world for free!

Do you want to start coding in html? If so I will show you some of the basics, for example p means a new paragraph

Like this! Plus img src=" let's you put images in to your web page!

Pretty cool right?

here is even more.

fontcolour=blue"" changes the font colour (but I think you might have guessed that.)

So those are some of the things you need for html coding but they are just the basics. There is so much more to learn!

I hope you enjoyed this presentation and goodbye.